3nd3r5 Place Solution
You will need to visit the Notpron Weekly Riddle page and go to weekly #8, the DeadRabbit riddle.
The graffiti on the wall and the instructions to visit the Dead Rabbit should lead you there, as well as the DeadRabbit riddle laying in the alleyway.

Find the comment from 3nd3r5, it is an XOR mask, as shown by the graffiti.
mask: 00110101 10100111 01001001 11010100 00111101 10001101 11000010 00110101
The code you are given is random, perform the XOR operation.
Convert the result to ASCII.
You have 3 minutes to complete this task, before the dick bouncer boots you.
(Password "fuckthebouncer" will override the password and let you in.)

You need to click the quarter dispenser before you can play any games.

Look at the red pieces only, they appear randomly, but in the proper order.
Pieces spell: still too lost

If you noticed in the console, it says the name of the music files being played.
tetristheme1-4.mp3 are the only songs played.
Navigating to tetristheme0.mp3 will play a song called 'Pieces' by Red.
The Tetris machine also glows red when hovered over, and the favicon of the game is red.

Result = двести пятьдесят пять
Translate from russian = 255

Space Invaders
Listen to the sound when you shoot.
Depending on how many aliens are left, there are short, long, and blank shooting sounds.
There is no hint at this, you just need to pay attention.
Morse code = .. -. ...- .- -.. . -.. -- -.-- ... .--. .- -.-. . ...
Transled = invaded my spaces
Result = CCXVIII
Translate from roman numerals = 218

Ms Pacman
Notice the '? points' on the game instructions for the point value of the dots.

Each round, the pellets are giving a different amount of points.
Take that letter number of the name of the bonus fruit of that level.
1 cherry = c
3 strawberry = r
3 orange = a
1 pretzel = p
4 apple = l
2 pear = e
6 banana = a
1 key = k
This spells: crap leak
Result = 10111001s
Convert from binary = 185 (+s)

Final Solution
Notice the glowing colors when you hover over a game.
Tetris represents red, Space Invaders represents green, and Ms. Pacman represents blue.
The favicons are also red, green, and blue for each game
The Notpron levels shown on the Notpron machine are 18, 7, and 2. (RGB)
The girls in the background also blink after 18, 7, and 2 seconds.
If you grab 3nd3r5 discord pfp, as shown on the wall, there are red, green, and blue squares on it.
There are also some other subtle visual hints to get you thinking about red, green, and blue.

Convert the values from each game to hex and put them together.
Hex color: FFDAB9
Named color = peachpuff, add the s from the Ms. Pacman code.
Final solution = peachpuffs
This will lead you to the final page for the solution: gameoverbruh

Link to Nu-Nu Bang
